On behalf of Lowell Pfleger and BHE Industries, I wanted to say how much we appreciate the outstanding customer support provided by your support tech for our phone request of Friday, May 21.
The case number we were given is 480 and I believe the tech’s name is “Clark” and is a female so I will refer to “she/her”. If that is not correct please accept my apologies.
I provide IT support for the site and she spent quite a lot of time with me on the phone trying to resolve our difficulties. One particular issue was creating a major problem because a specific setting that Wilcom documentation said needed to be set on the device was not shown in the setup software and neither she nor I could find a reason why or a workaround. Finding no help with Wilcom documentation and her available information she took the initiative to contact an associate who she felt had more experience with the particular issue to seek their advice. Despite her best efforts we were not able to resolve the problem during our initial call and she agreed to contact us again on Monday, May 24 to provide further assistance, which is notable; many techs would have simply given up on the problem by then.
Over the weekend, after spending about 8 hours trying various settings and configurations, we were able to find separate configurations that worked with the 2 machines we were trying to set up so I called on Monday morning and notified support they could close the ticket and there was no need for the return support call.
I wanted to be sure your tech’s outstanding performance in this situation did not go unrecognized so please give her our thanks and, if possible, forward this email to her supervisor and have it noted in her personnel records if appropriate.
Weldon Byers