Greetings Wilcom Family,
We would like to introduce our EmbroideryStudio e4 Shorts Series. This series will include a number of brief, but informative videos answering questions we receive most about using EmbroideryStudio e4. It is our goal to make the videos easy to understand, and apply as you use EmbroideryStudio e4. The series will tackle questions like how to adjust the grid size, how to create a custom color palette, how do I export to machine file formats, and much more.
Our first entry (below) explains how to adjust the grid size. More videos are on the way, so be on the lookout. We’ll be regularly posting the videos, here on this site, on our EmbroideryStudio e4 Video Page, Facebook, and YouTube.
Any particular subjects you would like to see covered in our Shorts Series? Let us know is the comment section below!